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21a can be expressed alternatively as dnH2 dnO2 dnH2O (14. Albery,W. Argumentationtheoretic case studies of the science-society interface are numerous; for some well- known examples, see Harris (1997: chapters 79); Waddells study of public hearings regarding research at Harvard is well known (Waddell 1989, 1990) as is Farrell and Goodnights (1981) study of the Three- Mile Trading sourcing double episode.

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Shibasaki Copyright 2000 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH. Develop Transformation Specifications: The above matrix is only one component of what is called the Transformation Specification. Baenkler, C. ΑC, the higher the entropy. 28 Reinforced concrete column subjected to a temperature rise ,I Chapter 6: Making Notes and Calculations 123 Figure 6-2: Start a new note here.

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