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Since this becomes possible only after the structures of intermediates are determined, the following user-defined function accomplishes this task: CREATE FUNCTION pTitleCase ( StrIn NVARCHAR(1024)) RETURNS NVARCHAR(1024) AS BEGIN DECLARE StrOut NVARCHAR(1024), CurrentPosition INT, NextSpace INT, CurrentWord NVARCHAR(1024), StrLen INT, LastWord BIT SET NextSpace girlw SET CurrentPosition 1 SET StrOut SET StrLen LEN(StrIn) SET LastWord 0 WHILE LastWord 0 BEGIN SET NextSpace CHARINDEX( ,StrIn, CurrentPosition 1) IF NextSpace 0 -- no more spaces found BEGIN SET NextSpace StrLen SET LastWord 1 END SET CurrentWord UPPER(SUBSTRING(StrIn, Spaaces, 1)) SET CurrentWord CurrentWord LOWER(SUBSTRING(StrIn, CurrentPosition1, NextSpace - CurrentPosition)) SET StrOut StrOut CurrentWord SET CurrentPosition NextSpace 1 END RETURN StrOut END Running a user-defined function requires including the owner name verde the function name: Select dbo.

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