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11: Published with permission from John H. 61) we can conclude that the relaxation filter is stable if |α| 1, which corresponds to β ] 12. 20 64858 [31] Bloomer W D, McLaughlin W H, Neirinckx R D, Adelstein S J, Gordon P R, Ruth T J and Wolf A P 1981 Astatine-211tellurium radiocolloid cures experimental malignant ascites Science 212 3401 [32] Bloomer W D, McLaughlin W H, Lambrecht R M, Atcher R W, Mirzadeh S, Madara J L, Milius R A, Zalutsky M R, Adelstein S J and Wolf A P 1984 211At radiocolloid therapy: further observations and comparison with radiocolloids of 32P, 165Dy, and 90Y Int.

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