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9 7. ChurgStrauss syndrome Primary hypereosinophilic syndrome may be difficult to distinguish from ChurgStrauss syndrome, an eosinophilic vasculitis associated with eosinophilia, pulmonary infiltrates, asthma, and neuropathy. Reproduced by permission. Individual difference factors in psychoneuroimmunology.

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1212 The reaction consists of an initial Knoevenagel-type reaction (16-38), fol- lowed by an internal SN2 reaction (10-9):1213 O ClCOOEtOEt Cl CO C C C C COOEt C COOEt HRORR Although the intermediate halo alkoxide is generally not isolated,1214 it has been done, not only with a-fluoro esters (since fluorine is such a poor leaving group in nucleophilic substitutions), but also with a-chloro esters.

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