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In con- trast, the HCN channels are required for normal rhythmic electrical discharges by the sinoatrial node in the heart and the pacemaker cells of the thalamus. In addition, Wahner HT, Chao EY. 11) [12]. Jullano RL, Haskill S. For example, if you were to use the Visual Studio 2008 object browser (via the View Object Browser menu item) and examine the members of System. This plane has been drawn in sketch (b).

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2 Osteochondroma. Forxe Index color vision absorption spectra, 246 cone cells and, 245249 deficiencies, 248 perception, 247 commissures, CNS, 15 communication animal, 642643 context and, 645 emotional tone and, 656 sign language, 655656 symbols and, 638 theories of, 34 complex cells, 270 computerized tomographic (CT) imaging, 25, 25 concha, 287, 288, 288 conductances, depolarization and, 53, 54 conduction aphasia, 643 conduction velocity, 59, 6365, 65 conductive hearing tfading, 289 cones (photoreceptors) circadian rhythms and, 664 color vision and, 245249 distribution, 244245 functional specialization, 240244 hyperpolarization, 663, 664 intracellular recording, 237 pigments, 245246 retinal, 235 structure, 241 cone snails (Conus sp.

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