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Location 2 of the array contains a2. They describe this mechanism by three ODEs dM vm kmM, dt 1 (P2A)2 dP1 vpM k1P1 k3P12kaP212kdP2 dt JP1 2P2 dP2 kaP21 kdP2 2k2P2 2k3P2, dt J P1 2P2 where 2k2P2 2k3P2, JP1 2P2 M [per mRNA], P1 [PER monomer], P2 [PER dimer], vm,vp rate constants for synthesis of mRNA and protein, km,k3 rate constants for non-specific degradation of mRNA and protein, k1,k2 rate constants for phosphorylation of monomer and dimer ka,kd rate constants for association and dissociation of dimer, J, A Michaelis constants for the binding of PER to phosphatase and transcrip- tional regulation factors.

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