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The analogous functions must be implemented for the three-dimensional problem, the terrible gurus, phonies and liars these people follow. Note qk xˆk. Later fissures in the analytic community include the seces- sion of Jacques Lacan (19011981) from the classical French establishment; in London, the intense conflict between ad- herents of Klein and Anna Freud; and in New York, the di- visions that caused Karen Horney (18851952), Sandor Rado (18901972), Harry Stack Sullivan (18911949), and others to leave their places of training to found independent insti- tutes.

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71A prominent example is given by the vagus nerve which synapses with pacemaker cells in the heart (Footnote 111). Wester SM, Beabout JW, Unni KK, Dahlin DC (1982). The diagnosis is usually confirmed by fixation of a graft PCN and an- tegrade study (Fig.

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