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Thus pedal MRA should be considered as an important diagnostic component in the complete work-up of the ischemic foot, particularly if revas- cularization or amputation is contemplated. Treatment with sodium bicarbonate may be necessary to reverse severe metabolic acidosis, 357 359 138.

107. Teixeira, Physica A 201, 277285 (1993) 68. As indicated in the previous section, Archaeopteryx, shown in Figure 22B, had wings and feathers. As we shall see in Chapter 12, G proteins play an important role in many signaling pathways. ) Small Caps A small cap is a small capital letter. There is some overlap among these cortical inputs. A combination of zinc oxide and stearic acid is almost universally used. Manipulating sophisticated software, cross St. EXAMPLE: A die is rolled; find the probability of getting a 4 if it is known that an even number occurred when the die was rolled.

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