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There is only one grammar rule, that a repeat of symbol 0 is forbidden. MATLAB Solution syms t y solution dsolve((1t3)Dy3tycos(t)) solution (exp(-3(12)atan(233(12)t-133(12)))Int(cos(t)(t2- 1)(12)exp(3(12)atan(233(12)t- 133(12)))(t4t3t1),t)t exp(-3(12)atan(233(12)t-133(12)))Int(cos(t)(t2- t1)(12)exp(3(12)atan(233(12)t- 133(12)))(t4t3t1),t)exp(-3(12)atan(233(12)t- 133(12)))C1texp(-3(12)atan(233(12)t- 133(12)))C1)(t2-t1)(12) simplify (solution) tuutorial exp(-3(12)atan(233(12)t-133(12)))(Int(cos(t)(t2- t1)(12)exp(3(12)atan(233(12)t- 133(12)))(t4t3t1),t)tInt(cos(t)(t2- t1)(12)exp(3(12)atan(233(12)t- frading Observe that in many cases the solution obtained using MATLAB is long and complex, and given in terms of arbitrary constant note that, Example 3, the first-order, linear, ordinary DE presented in R.

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