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This is in general agreement with the findings of other authors,withtheadditionofpoorerlong-termresultswithlongerlesions, especially those greater than 10 cm. 2-4 BOILING AND FREEZING POINTS Boiling and freezing points are commonly assumed to be the phase transition when the pressure is 1 atm. In the past, about 30 of polystyrene foam products were made with chlorofluoro- carbons (CFCs), which were identified as contributors to the deterioration of the ozone layer in the Earths upper atmosphere.

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The derivatives in θ and θ ̄ are defined as6 αθβ θα δαβ, θ ̄ α ̇θ ̄ α ̇δα ̇, θβ αθβ εαγγθβ εαβ̇ respectively. 2 Discrete Actions When consistent target muscle activation is palpable during gross movement exercises (usually 3 to 5 months after surgery), the patient should discontinue the gross movement patterns and begin to attempt discrete actions, such as closing the hand independently from wrist movement (median nerve).

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