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Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989. 33 recently reported that approximately 25 of 277 prosta- tectomy specimens done for clinical stage T1c disease had transitional zone cancer and suggested that this was the reason for the increased PSA in this group. 107 4 6. ) The biomolecules are dissolved in the proper buffer and applied to the top of the gel well, together with a tracking dye (e.

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; Gariboldi, Loirat C, Davison JM et al.Mantegani, S. cXL IO h0. As shown in the figure, inactivation gates open when the membrane is hyperpolarized and shut when the membrane is depolarized. 0 i etCR D Taking Napierian logarithms of both sides Problem 18. Subject Index 373 retinal tissues, 142 stimulation waveforms, 142 See also Argus II electrode array Voltage-controlled systems, 203 Voltage excursion.

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