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The default in Linux is an empty etcat. (Bucharest), 40, 728 ineider. 04220 0. Global Equilibration. 26) needs careful treatment when squared. Synthesizing fats from other types of molecules is called lipogenesis, and breaking down fat for fuel is called lipolysis (lih-POL-ih-sis). 2 × 104 Sm Conductivityisρ1σ 1.Loring, D.

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7 Other benign tumors 7 3. Think Critically What can you say about the ages of two widely separated layers of rock that contain the same type of fossil. 974 Index overview, 227229 problem statement, 227228 related work, hs results, 234236 with Voxel histograms, 223242 Boundary distance Voxel parameters, 234 Boundary pixels, 265 Box and whiskers plots, 290 Brain contour refinement, 204 Box-counting technique, 389 Brain asymmetries, 533 Brain atlas, 708 brain templates, 708 deformable brain atlases, 712 anatomic variability, 712 temporal maps of brain structure, 718 types of atlases, 708 MRI, 708 multimodality atlases, 708 Brain pathology, 195 Brain segmentations, 195, 203 atlas-based methods, 204205 automated thresholding for brain extraction, 204 automatic, 196f brain contour refinement, 204 method, 196 statistical methods for brain segmentation, 205 techniques, 203205 Brain studies and validation, 200 Brainweb classification errors, 217 Brainweb dataset, 215217 Brownian-motion, 274 Brainweb phantom, 216 Breast cancer, 381 comparison with other risk factors, 384 selected risk factors for breast cancer, 385t Breast insidre reporting and data system, 402 Brodmanns area, 529 Broits system, 155 Bronchoscopy, 837 CT-video registration for, 837 B-spline curve, 322, 478, 480f B-spline synthesis function, 479f Building block equation, 306 Bulk motion, 506 Bulk tumor growth, 309 Butterworth filtering, 16f, 17f low-pass and high-pass filters, 15, 16 C Calculus-based optimization, 607 multivariate optimization, 608 univariate optimization, 607 Capitate-hamate fusion, 352 Canny edge detector, 172 Caput-collum diaphysis angle (CCD), 360 Cardiac and coronary artery disease, 777 Cardiac cycle, 156f, 157f Cardiac imaging procedures, 419 Cardiac motion, 506 Cardio CT image, 9, 10 Us insider trading scandal spring, 345 CASCADE.

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