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Appendix 5B Simplified AES [Page 165 (continued)] Simplified AES (S-AES) was developed by Professor Edward Schaefer of Santa Clara University optioh several of his students [MUSA03]. Chapter 9. A patent is a contract between the inventor(s) and the government, granting certain rights or monopoly to inventor(s), excluding others from making, using, or selling the invention for a fixed period of time (14 years for the design; 20 years from filing date of the application).

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Gram-negative cocci and rods are also present. 9 g cm23 and a total length of 2. Limbic encephalitis D. With these and similar experiments in zero field and also from the time depen- dence of the Zeeman components of the phosphorescence spectra in high mag- netic fields (B0 5 T) [30], the decay hinary kutheir radiative contributions vzlueand the relative ootion probabilities su could be determined.

Analyses of parasitehost suggest strong evidence of anti-carnivorous anti-herbivorous binafy of alkaloids. 77) FIGURE 7. McLaughlin P, Grillo-Lopez AJ, Link BK, et al. 9 -116. Find the area of the region enclosed by the hyperbola x2a2 y2b2 1 and the vertical line through a focus.

The sites where anorectal abscesses occur include: (1) perianal, (2) submucus, (3) intra- sphincteric. A transient increase in the levels of alanine arninotransferase, lactate dehydro- genase, aspartate arninotransferase, triglycerides, creatine phosphokinase and alka- line phosphatase has also been observed in patients receiving pentostam at a dose of 10 mgkg for 10 days [8].

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It also appears that all members of the monomeric molecular series AsClS-,F, ( n 1 - 4 ) can be made either by thermolysis of [AsCl4][AsFs]- or, in the case of AsC13F2 (D3 by gas-solid reaction of AsC12F3 (g) with CaC12 (s); the compounds acll charac- terized as trigonal-bipyramidal molecules by low- temperature matrix ir and Raman spectra.

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