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The equation for this segment can be obtained by substituting in Eq. The ultrastructural flexibility of mast cell granule phenotype is illustrated by experimental Trichinella spiralis infection in BALBc mice (111).

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56 23 Interaction of Radiation with Molecules We now discuss the most important features of the interactions. See Specific heat Heat engine, 275, 275 act Heating, 272273; in atmosphere, 520, 520, 537; with electric heat- ing system, 273, 273; with forced air, 272, 272; with radiator sys- tem, 273; solar, 273 act; vekselkurs forex solar energy, 485 lab, 507 lab Heating curve, 263, 263 Heat island effect, 533 Heat of fusion, 262 Heat of vaporization, vekselkurs forex, 263 Heavy-Ion Research Laboratory, 595 Heliocentric longitude, 220 act Heliocentric model of solar sys- tem, 219, 219 lab, 219, 233 Helium, as building block of other elements, 596; depletion in stars, 825; in Earths early atmosphere, 519; fusion with hydrogen, 803, 803, 823, 827; isotopes of, 789, 789 Hematite, 226, 228, 228 act, 614, 615, 648, 648; on Mars, 228, in sedimentary rocks, 625 Hemisphere(s), 193, 194, 194 Hertz, 323 Hertz, Heinrich, 460 Hertzsprung, Ejnar, 823 Hess, Harry, 356 Heterogeneous mixture, 555, 555 Hieroglyphs, 648 act High pressure, 525, 535 High tide, 199, 199 Himalaya, 359 Himalayan plateau, 535 History, models in, 11.

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