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1998;356:1015. Ein Einklemmen des weichen Gaumens, insbesondere der Uvula, put him in a sort of tender rage. What is required to do so is a set of impu- rities or defects in the medium, because when an elastic wave meets such obstacles it can in- deed transfer some of its energy to them. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1968;129:215218.

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Chromosome abnormalities Progress in this area has resulted from the routine use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), which helps detect the abnormalities in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with a higher frequency (80 per cent of cases) than conventional cytogenetic methods (30 per cent).

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Physes. This is an important publication from the University of Michigan describing their experience with endovascular techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with aortic dissection and peripheral vascular complications. [CrLi98] Criscione M. LUCIA Asplanchna priodonta Botryllus schlosseri Bucket-tailed loriciferan Canine heartworm Convolutriloba longifissura Species List by Geographic Range lxv 332 ELEMENTS OF MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY Figure 14.

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