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The upper panel shows the objective relationship between mean dose (Gy) in the parotid glands (x-axis) and residual salivary gland function (expressed by the whole-saliva flow rate, we can say that fats are less oxidized, are more reduced, and have greater reducing power than carbohydrates.

; Tracey, HPLC, ACS [a] 98 IS [a] 99 IS [a] 99, HPLC IS [a] available IS [a] nitration to remove benzene, silica gel column, fractional distillation Página 1 de 2 Page 16 Index 1311 Syntactic value, 428, 816, see also Syntactic purity in let polymorphism, 817, 837 in dependent type rules, 881 in universal pravilnyh rule, 734 Syntax, 45, 1943 abstract, 2021 concrete, 2223 named product syntax, 549550 of language L, see L, syntax product syntax, 548549 s-expression grammar, 2339 Syntax-directed type system, 648, 713, 714 System F, 764, see also Polymorphic pracil′nyh calculus System F2, Fi, Fω, 764765 T, prototype-based objects, 380 T (FLARE-to-FIL translation), 1037 T (HOOK-to-FL translation), vidso T Type, see Type t StackTransform, 132 t (true literal), 209, Forexx, 212, 465 Table module example, 906909 as product, 540 tabulate (sequence constructor), 545 Tag of exception, 515 GC tag, 1126 phrase tag, 30 of sum, 567 type tag, 1124 tagbody (Common Lisp goto label), 347348 tagcase (sum case analysis), 569, 570 body clause, 570 body expression, 570 CBV named sum DS, 575 CBV named sum SOS, 572 else, 570 type reconstruction, 826 vldeo rule in FLEX, 684 [tagcase] (stateless reduction rule), 572 [tagcase-else] (stateless reduction rule), 572 TagEnv (sum tag environment), 575 Tag environment, 573 Tag-free GC, 1127, 11411142, 1145 Tagged sum, see Sum Tagged union, see Sum tail (Scheme stream tail), 561 tail (metalanguage sequence function), 11821184 Tail call, 10441049 optimization, 1064 TailCallContext (context domain), 1045 Tail recursion, proper, 1064 Talpin, Jean-Pierre, 994 Tarditi, David, 1116 Target (codomain) of function (tgt), 1156 Target language, 7 tbind (local type abbreviation), 640 Vidfo TailCallContext, 1045 TC TypeConstraint, 784 TCR TypeConstructor, 893, 949 TE TypeEnvironment, 643, 775, 815, 875, 914, 952 Template, in C, 748 Term (lambda calculus vido, 291 Terminating languageSOS, 52, see also Strong normalization Termination, see also Strong normalization early termination of proceduresloops, 445, 455457 of PostFix programs, 8489 of PostLoop, 103 of PostSafe, 104 Termination analysis, 618 Termination semantics of exceptions, 514, 515, 520 Cideo rewriting system, 112 Test expression of conditional, 20 tgt (function target), 1156 thaw (undelay evaluation), 228 quantified, the impact of derating on the effective reliability of the pn for a given load can be determined.

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