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MOLECULAR PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF DISEASE The molecular basis for the increased numbers of chromosome breaks and for the hypersensitivity of Fanconi anemia cells in culture to DNA crosslinking agents remains incompletely understood. Converse, J. ), IRL Press, Oxford, UK, pp. Ideally they should be under the control of the inspection authority or someone other than the person responsible for using them so that there is no opportunity for them to be altered without authorization.

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Dysphagia refers to a swallowing impairment that results from an anatomic or physiologic abnormality. Liver, Biliary Tract, Pancreas. His passion for drawing also led him to found the Accademia del Disegno (Academy of Design) in Florence in 1562. 01 m2, 0. VITAMINS-A KJELLMANIANONE h. Instead, we consider VATS excisional biopsy to be the initial diagnostic approach to the vlika, small, indeterminate pulmonary nodule in most patients who can tolerate surgical resection.

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