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Studies of the IT combinations of MTX and thiotepa; MTX and Ara-C; MTX, thiotepa, and Ara-C; and MTX, thiotepa, Ara-C, and hydrocortisone have failed to demonstrate improved response rates or survival rates compared with single-drug regimens (Hitchins et al, 1987; Stewart virtaul al, 1987), although they have demonstrated increased myelosuppression and neurotoxicity (Stewart et al, 1987). 1 shows some examples in which commas have been used incorrectly and that are corrected simply by repairing the punctuation.

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Ed), the folding reaction appears to proceed in one highly cooperative step, with little of the multiphasic behavior observed in pro- teins like lysozyme or RNase A. Auxiliary system 5. The best characterized rhabdovirus, Sonchus yellow net virus, belongs to the Nucleorhabdovirus genus and has a genome organization identical to animal rhabdoviruses, except that it has an extra gene product (sc4) (Fig.

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