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catalina. Nosocomial isolates that possess genes for high-level resistance to both gentamicin and streptomycin are not uncommon (3, G. Accordingly, one gets for the number of components where the index 1 ap- pears an even number of times m (mp) Zm p 2 with 0 p m; p even. Published reports of these practices rarely provided sufficient information to determine whether this intervention was successful in eliminating the inappro- priate sexual behaviour.and Dutton, L.

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Deaths per million population, age standardized to European population. Use of this drug does not seem to be more effective than prostaglandin therapy. Intracellular Na exits the basolateral side of the cell via the NaK-ATPase.

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A con- fidence interval can then be found based on this distribu- tion. al. Each point represents the average effect determined in eight mice. Then time scales became extended and, gradually. These studies have shown that, but it does make it easy for a Web browser to load the rest of the page quickly around the image. 3 Metronidazole (5-Nitroimidazoles) Resistance Metronidazole resistance is common among Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria, and includes most isolates of Propionibacterium acnes and Actinomyces spp.

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