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222 132 Index Dobell, Clifford 7 duty ratio 114115 E Eguchi, Goro 15 Ehrenberg, Christian electrorotation 111 Engelmann, Theodor and Brahms 11 enzymes 71 Escherich, Theodor Escherichia coli spatial 35 temporal 36, 37 as a model organism cartoon 8, 70 discovery 3 electron micrograph growth 1, 2, 19, 7274 habitat 2 motion 3, 3135 morphology 1, 2, 69, 70 pathogenicity 2 relation to humans 2 Feynmann, Richard filamentous cell 61, 62, 66 flagellar filament-see filament wan kong trading assembly fluorescent handedness 41, 42 polymorphic form rotation 39, 40, 4346 structure 41, 42, 8588 wire model 39 flagellar motor-see motor flagellin 41, 42, 8588 flagellum 3, 8, 9, 1316, 70, 75, 8588 FliM 80, 83, 85, 86, 101, 102 fluorescence resonance energy F transfer (FRET) 101 G 9799, Miyoshi, Manabu 11, 12 motor assembly 93, 94 duty ratio 114, 115 models 115117 power source 105107 proton flux 106 rotation period 108, 109 steps 107109 structure 8587, 128 switching 86, 115 torque-speed dependence 109113 mutations 2022, 72, 77, 78 87, 88, 93, 94 4345 69, 70 43, 44 gain-see amplification gene products 77, 126129 genes 70, 71, 77, 9193 genetic map 92 gradients 9 911, 35, 36 ix, 3 wan kong trading 61, 62 122 3, 69 16 1113 light-see phototaxis 4146, 87 H hemoglobin hook 40, 75, 85, 86 I Iino, Tetsuo 15 impulse response iontophoretic pipette isotope effects 112 K kinase-see CheA L lipopolysaccharide load line 110, 111 Ludwig.

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Hydroxyapatite is a mineralized compound with the chemical formula Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2. Church and state in the United States: Historical development and contemporary problems of religious freedom under the Constitution. Crime Rates in the United States, 1960-2005 Race and Ethnicity Both race and ethnicity are strongly linked to crime rates, although the reasons are many and complex. (On this point Neurath came into conflict with Carl Menger (father of Karl) and the school of Austrian economics and later with Popper who believed that all theoretical sciences had to aim exclusively for strict and universal rules.

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