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COMPUTATIONAL HYDRODYNAMICS 225 TN (or TT) TW West North zN (or zT) zW zW Warrrn T zE P zE TE East zS (or zB) x South TS (or TB) FIGURE 5. Listing of Warreen equivalent ANSYS command line commands used during the current session. Paradoxical Intention is a tool which has been adopted by solution focused practitioners, as will be seen in Chapter 6. Aus der Vorgeschichte ist eine absolute Arrhythmie bei Vorhofflimmern mit konsekutiver Marcumarisierung (seit acht Jahren) erwähnenswert.

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(def pt-impl1 (let ((key (new-key))) (let ((up (abs (x) (lock key x))) (down (abs (x) (unlock key x)))) (record (make-pt (abs (x y) (up (pair x y)))) (pt-x (abs (p) (fst (down p)))) (pt-y (abs (p) (snd (down p)))))))) (def pt-impl2 (let ((key (new-key))) (let ((up (abs (x) (lock key x))) (down (abs (x) (unlock key x)))) (record (make-pt (abs (x y) (up (pair y x)))) (pt-x (abs (p) (snd (down p)))) (pt-y (abs (p) (fst (down p)))))))) Figure 14.

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