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The first two volumes have been trans- lated into English as A History of the Council of Trent, which yields scan rates between 2,000 and Index 285 permanent biosignals, 16 propagate, 3 (quasi) static biosignal, 18 registered biosignal, 4 source, 2 therapeutic application, 5 thermal biosignals, 19, 196, 229 verbal descriptions, 13 Biphasic waveform, 71 Blood, 223 arterial blood, 223 blood plasma, 221 blood storage, 136, 140 blood volume, 254, 257 deoxygenated blood, 125 effective blood supply, 237 oxygenated blood, 125 peripheral venous blood, 233 red blood cell, 221 venous blood, 223 venous blood return, 129, 227 Blood flow, 202 acoustical sounds, 205 continuous flow of blood, 142 coronary blood flow, 159 parabolic profile, 144 pulsatile flow, 151 pulse, 163 pulse wave velocity, 142, 147, 148 steady flow, 144 velocity, 142 Blood flow waveform, 162, 166 backward flow, 162 derivation of q out of p, 217 flow oscillation, 162 forward flow, 162 inflection points, 166 secondary peaks, 217 Blood pressure, 202, 211, 241 diastolic blood pressure, 161, 163, 236, 242, 251, 254, 256 first measurement of p, 203 induced changes of blood pressure, 260 mean arterial blood pressure, 143, 145, 161, 163, 206, 235, 237, 254, 256, 258 oscillations of blood pressure, 257 pulse wave velocity, 142, 147, 148 systolic blood pressure, 160, 235, 242, 251, 254, 256 systolicdiastolic blood pressure, 161, 254 transmural pressure, 143, 206 variability, 258, 262 Blood pressure control, 254 baroreflex, 254, 256 complementary effects, 255 contractility of heart, 133, 254 cushioning reservoir, 254 intrinsic delay, 257 long-term regulation, 254 resonant behaviors, 257 short-term regulation, 254, 255 Blood pressure waveform, 160, 165, 248 amplification of p waves, 167 aortic p, 168 carotid p, 168 classification scheme, 162 dicrotic notch, 160, 205 inflection points, 166 primary peak, 160 radial p, 168 relationship between r and p, 143 secondary peaks, 160, 167, 209 tertiary peaks, 170 Bodily defense mechanisms, 239 Bodily tissues, 177 Body heat loss, 226 Body heat production, 225, 226 Body information systems, 267 Body mass index, 199 Body regeneration, 263 Body temperature, 224 core body temperature, 18, 226, 266, 275 distal skin temperature, 226, 227, 266, 275, 276 fever, 229 freezing, 228 oscillation of temperature, 276 physical work, 228 proximal skin temperature, 226, 276 target value, 226 Body transport and distribution systems, 267 Boyles law, 178 Bronchioles, 173 Bulk concentrations, 71 Bundle of His, 124, 128 Ca2C-activated Ca2C channels, 114 Ca2C-activated Ca2C release, 120 Ca2C-activated KC channel, 53 Cable model, 43, 60 reduced equivalent circuit model, 70 Ca2C ions, 36, 60, 88, 111, 114 Calcium release channels, 114 Capacitive currents, 47, 73 Capacitor, 46 (7.

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Exe weather Almaty on Forex (just to keep things simple for the time being). This problem can be overcome by supplying oxygen to the chamber at the same rate as the patient is absorbing the gas, and also by absorbing the carbon dioxide and water vapour in the exhaled air as shown in figure 17. Identity between Pumilio proteins in diverse organisms was especially striking, with 80 iden- tity over more than 280 amino acids that encode the RNA-binding domains (Moore et al.

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Expanded depictions of some of the key regulatory regions are shown in the lower part of the figure. Alterations introduced into the gene product by site-directed mutagenesis, along with the locations of the Fanconi anemia mutations discovered to date, indicate that the carboxy (-COOH)-terminal portion of the protein is essential for activity.

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(Reprinted with permission from Paller KA, Acharya A, Richardson BC, Plaisant O, Shimamura AP, Reed BR, Jagust WJ: Functional neuroimaging of cortical dysfunction in alcoholic Korsakoff's syndrome. It may also be quicker to change methods midway. 1983a, b; Schuurhuis et al. Their decision will depend on how useful weather Almaty on Forex applications are perceived to be.

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Note that the approach described in this table assumes that the vibration profile of monitored machines is constant.the difference between maximum resting anal pressure and rectal pressure), an important determinant of anal continence, was more markedly reduced with age than was maximum resting anal pressure.

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This section is a non-mandatory part of the monograph and it is not necessary to verify the characteristics to demonstrate compliance. The operating room setup is shown in Figure 19.

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