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A suitable test method together with criteria for judging the preservative properties of the formulation are provided in chapter 5. 13, 14 toluene-ethyl T3 papaverine T4 noscapine acelate-diethylamine (70~20:10) A UV-254nll1 (without chemical treatment) B Dragendorff reagent (DRG No. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. Plexus (plek'sus) A network of nerve fibers, blood vessels, or lymphatics.

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Chorionic villus sampling has a somewhat higher risk of complication than that of amniocentesis; the results of several studies suggest that this procedure may increase the incidence of limb defects in the fetus when per- formed earlier than 10 weeks of gestation. (10. It considers the nature of a design method, its component parts. Introductory Engineering Electromagnetics; Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1971, pp. Not less than 8. Princeton: Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1948.

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