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15). [54] A. Velocity and force vectors acting on a blade of a Wells turbine in motion: (a) upward absolute flow onto blade moving at speed U ; (b) downward absolute flow onto blade moving at speed U. (Reproduced with per- mission from Shadrin O, Zhivopistsev V and Timerbaev A (1993) Thin-layer chromatographic determination of inorganic anions as counter-ions of metal diantipyrilmethane cationic complexes and diantipyrilmethane cations.

Hence, M. PictureQuest: 73; Ed KashiCORBIS: 79; Index Stock Imagery: 81; AFPCORBIS: 85; Montes De Oca Associates: 92; Millard Berry: 95; Courtesy of NASAJPLNIMAVisible Earth: 100; Courtesy of the Library of Congress: 108, 124; Nehau KulykPhoto Researchers, Inc. This puts atten- tion on interfaces. His preparations suited static defence rather than mobile warfare.

1)]. We consider discrete groups on C R2 or Fuchsian groups on H2, and in each case, we identify points that are on the same orbit of the acting group. Mol Cell Biol 26(13):50965105 22.

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