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The Doctrine of Being in the Aristotelian Metaphysics, 3rd ed. See Sieve-tube members Stolons, 1:41, 2:186, 4:18, 41, 80 defined, 1:41 and Glossary Stomata, 1:61, 142, 143, 3:16, 55, 118, 4:159 abscisic acid in stomatal closure, 3:16, 17, 1920 aquatic plants, 4:166 defined, 2:4, 77, 3:55, 4:78 and Glossary desert plants, 2:77, 3:57 formation, 2:81, 82 function, 4:113, 159160 stomatal crypts, 3:57 stomatal movements, 4:25 Stone fruits, 2:159 See also Drupes Stone pine (Pinus pinea), 3:141, 142, 4:52 Stones, 4:65 Stoneworts (Charophyceae), 1:27, 2:123 Storage tissues.

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(Reprinted from Yang and Xing (2003) with copyright permission from Elsevier. Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics. Molecular aspects of human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I).

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