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3 bh3 h 36 18 Wb h 42 πr4 r 22 πr4 r 42 5πr4 42r πr4 r 82 59. Br J Surg 1993;80:173176. B 47, 5275 (1993). We have to somehow think out the way to overcome this theorem. Even though you may have created a main content area for your page, you will still need to lay out the various text items and images that compose the area. Created on March 29, 2005 Written by John Doe This program displays a not-so-subtle message to potential copycats to 134 THEORIES OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS There is no easy way to calculate c614cXcYZ except by assuming equilibrium between reactants and activated complexes when equilibrium statistical mechanics can be used to calculate c614cXcYZ: 614 c614 Q614 U0 K14cc 14QQexpRT ð4:25Þ X YZ X YZ where U0 is U at absolute zero for the process of forming activated complexes from reactants, and is equal to E0, the activation energy per mole found from the potential pOtions surface.

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