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378 1. Figure-ground perception. ), Reinventing Film Studies, pp. Equicontinuous Referring to a family F of functions with the property that for every ε 0 there exists a δ 0 such that |f(x)f(y)| ε whenever|xy|δforallf F. Gentles 124. Frequently used radiolabelled agents for brain perfusion SPECT are: (1) Tc-99m-hexamethyl propylamine oxime (Tc-99m- HMPAO), a lipid-soluble macrocyclic amine with a rapid brain uptake (reaches its maximum within 10min of injection, and its distribution remains constant for many hours post-injection); (2) Tc- 99m-bicisate ethyl cysteinate dimer (Tc-99m-ECD), with rapid uptake and very slow clearance from the brain (blood clearance is also rapid, resulting in high brain-to-soft-tissue activity ratios); (3) I-123-isopropyliodoamphetamine (I-123-IMP); and (4) the inert gas xenon-133, which permits the quantitative measurement of rCBF without the need for arterial sampling (however, this requires a technically difficult inhalation technique, and it has a poor spatial resolution).

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