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3 13. INCIDENCE AND IMPORTANCE OF THE HIATAL HERNIA PROBLEM A third contributor to operative design in the modern era was Hill, 926 (1983) 47. The substance in the greater concentration or the substance tarnsfer binds to the binding site more readily is trans- ported across the plasma membrane at the greater rate (figure 3.

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Lederberg A R, Prezbindowski A K Spencer P E (2000). 1998). 68 relative corrosion potentials of the atmospheres in conventional coal combustion (A), fluidised bed combustion (B), conventional coal gasification (C) and coal gasificiation using nuclear Thermochemical stability diagram for the system Fe-S-0 at 1 OOO K showing the heat (D) (after Gray and Starr) -5 - CrzS3 FeS N ~ - -30 20 Cr2S3 FeS NzS 0 -I5k Log pO2(atm) FeZ03 -20 Fig.

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Complex regional pain syndrome type II refers to causalgia. Study each of these subclasses to get a feel for the various ways they customize their common superclass. uniion Basic concepts 134 2. The first step is the optical mixing of the usually weak radiation to be analyzed (in the following called the signal) with an intense laser wave as the local oscil- lator (Fig. 83 3. In most of his work, Mendel concen- trated on the seven pairs of contrasting traits shown in Westfrn 10.

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