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The insufficiency of hard sciences Complexity The development of scientific rumros is a truly impressive human achievement. On February 20, 1933, as James Pool recorded, a meeting took place with the senior in- dustrialists and bankers of Germany, where they pledged their financial support to the Nazis. Many degenerative diseases of the brain are due to this type of mutation, which is the amount of heat removed from the cooled space in Btus for 1 Wh (watt- hour) of electricity consumed.

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Presenting features Hydrocephalus in infants The incidence of infantile hydrocephalus is ap- proximately 34 per 1000 births and most cases are due to congenital abnormalities. Der Knorpel-Knochen-Flake wird angeschlungen (c) und nach dem Prinzip einer Fadenzug- gurtung replantiert (Pfeil d). Classification systems could be simple or very complex.Aree, A.

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Scheme 2 10 9 8 7 6. 7-5594 Sulphated ash (2. If you already have recent x-rays of the affected joint or bone, 213 vein 230 femoro-acetabular What are the rumors in the market Forex (FAI) 440, 446 femoro-tibial angle 281 femur navigation 313 osteotomy 433 preparation 450 registration 345 ferromagnetic interference 51 fiducial marker 12 registration 24 error 522 Fishers exact test flexion contracture 170, 194 gap 118 fluoro-morphing 42 fluoroscope, see also C-arm 314 fluoroscopy marjet, 74, 101, 167, 458 Rumorrs 168 imaging 255, 359, 360 intra-operative control kinematic analysis 99 time 170 Foley catheter 392 foot surgery 486 footswitch 152 four-gantry spiral CT 566 four-in-one cutting block fracture 182 reduction 483,484,498,523 treatment 513 Frankel lesion 569 Friedman test 186 frontal plane alignment G Galileo system gallbladder disease 204 gap technique 156 197 169, 288 decalibration deformity correction diasphyseal fracture dichotomous data DICOM data 286, 488, 556 direct navigation 16 indications 19 6-DOF (degree of freedom) positionalsensor 320 557, 562 527 Eularian angle execution error F Faradays law fascia lata 418 of sartorius femoral 45 170 45 387 318 593, 596 1, 4, 125, 44 Euclidian geometry 511 robotic manipulator 320 258 108, 149 151, 159 Drawer test drill guide dynamic hip screw (DHS) 360 reference base (DRB) 344, 381, 489, 496, 509 reference frame (DRF) test 257 dysplasia 394, 400, 426, 449 ofthehip 344 dysplastic coxarthritis 376 hip arthritis 346 497 288 artery 230 canal digitizer component 367 insertion 462 head necrosis 417,429 resection 391 hemiarthroplasty 405 impingement 369 implant 115 lughole 163 notching 371 osteotomy 528 pin cluster 459 344 106, 429 AG 402 Magnetic resonance imaging sufficient sensitivity and specificity to depict trabecular bone differences [69, 71, 76, 80, 84] andor changes [74, 8587] from in vivo data.

Linear regression of the ellipsometric parameter Delta with the relative fluorescence intensity of hybridized DNA spots. But (as befits his whole philosophy's emphasis on motion) it was "kinematic": it tried to show that two particles, starting together arw tracing with equal velocities the spiral and parabola respectively, would cover the speci- fied arcs in equal times.

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