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Out of habit, but owing to voes automatic gain adjustment built into these plethysmo- graphic traces, this pulse variation is not a reliable indicator FIGURE 119. Impairment of natural-killer function. The second data set is a sleep apnea data set, which was designed to detect the presence or absence of apnea events from ECG signals, each one with a duration of 1 minute.

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It is equally important that excellent oral hygiene is main- tained throughout the course of the orthodontic treat- ment. 45 0. These protein adducts with the (rearranged) acyl glucuronides of drugs have been proposed as possible causes of the in vivo toxicity seen in drugs with acid moieties (Hayball, 1995; Smith et al.

Figure 22. 3(i) T Sl[Cl~( l3(;) ;7r - 81[C14(n) 3(a) 8n4 384[C14) 3(;) 8~~ - 384[Cl4( see also CLAUSEN FUNCTION, GAMMA FUNCTIONSTIRLING'S SERIES References Abramowitz, M. Endodontic treatment of root-fractured teeth is a rather delicate procedure and should be per- formed with optimal techniques and methods.

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