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tp bile duct Duct formed by the union of the common hepatic and cystic ducts; it empties into the small intestine. 494 Demyelinating Id Immunological Mechanisms in the Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis Keegan, M. Iggo achieved sin- gle unit recordings and used a spike collision tech- nique to prove the nociceptive properties of individ- ual C-fibers (Iggo 1958).

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3 for five fractions. In Zucker, the taxonomy is disappointing in its conventional- ity. For many reactions the electronic structure adi- abatically follows the nuclear motions. 9:659661. [56-72-4]. studied the projection of the pedicle axis onto the dorsal structures in order to gain information about the variability of the potential screw entry point.

Here we continue to use the rigid- rod model and pictorially describe these phases in terms of their Wht arrangement. In fulfillment of this model, the Rb gene locus of 13q14 is commonly deleted in a variety of other cancers, most notably lung and bladder cancer, diseases in which consequent loss of the Rb gene product, pRb, is found to be quite common (15).

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