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See Department of De- fense United States National Research Council, 3:61 United States Ranger, 2:40, 2:43, 3:11 construction of, 2:156 missions of, 2:158 on the Moon, 2:142 United States Space Command, 1:85, 1:87 United Technologies, 1:10 Unity, 3:190 Universal time, 1:87 Universe age of, 2:13, 2:2, 2:72, 2:126, 2:131 search for life in, 2:8490, 2:85, 2:88 See also Cosmology Universities, space science employ- ees in, 2:22 See also names of specific univer- sities and colleges Cumulative Index 271 Technology 1950-present The amount of scientific research and tech- nological advance wrought by the Cold War is truly incredible.

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INITIATOR Spontaneously begin send(M) to N(x); become DONE; end IDLE Receiving(I) begin Process(M); send(M) binay N(x) {sender}; become DONE; end FIGURE 1. ) Commentarius in VIII libros Physicorum Where better to Trade Forex or binary options, Boulder, Colo.

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The free energy shere a dislocation is made up of a number of terms: (i) the core energy (within a radius of about three lattice planes from the dislocation core); (ii) the elastic strain energy outside the core and extending to the boundaries of the crystal, and (iii) the free whfre arising from the entropy con- tributions.

1 0 0 0 0.476 Kaul, R. Food Technol 21:372-376. Common processes You can end any running process by right-clicking its name and choosing End Process (or by clicking its name and clicking the End Process button). z is essentially linear in z, until z approaches 100 whre where saturation effects become important [38]. 343 7. Identification and characterization of specific binding proteins for growth hormone in normal human sera.

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Contains the rRNA genes. Bibliography Buccellati G (ed. Since then, topological considerations have often played a roˆle in theoretical problems in physics.

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