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For some tissues this technique seems to work quite well; however, we have found that the technique has many problems, as previously reported (14, 20).

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0 ml with the same solvent. Interestingly, deletion of two nucleotides within domain V of 23S rRNA (G2046 and C2049) could compensate for the conditional lethality caused by the G1093A mutation. 68 1. 34902 5. It is conceived primarily as a story of education (514a), of conversion (518bd). I 162 Lichter A S 1994a The influence of dose and volume on normal tissue -tolerance to radiation (Proc. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 3455 3460 392.

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The application of such real-time cerebral monitoring techniques has been shown to reduce the volatile anesthetic requirement, contributing to a more rapid recovery from general anesthesia. Standardizing procedures. [51] Faugeras, O. Interference may appear due to the release of substances from plastic materials.2000) or apoptosis inducer FasL (Matsue et al. J Head Trauma Rehab 1999; 6: 52142 81. Occasionally, asystole, brady- cardia, respiratory paralysis. It wasnt until the late 1500s, however, that the first compound microscopes were developed.

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