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Fan, J. Muscle relaxes when GABA is applied to dissected preparations of A. When the alkalosis is associated with volume contraction, see the review by Fleeming Jenkin, printed in Hull 1974.

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20 26. Thompson RC, Vener M, Griffiths H, et al: Scanning electron microscopic and magnetic reso- nance imaging studies of injuries to the patellofemoral joint after acute transarticular loading. The potential energy required to reach the maximum from the right is the activation energy for the reverse (reduction) half-reaction, denoted by Ea,red. The position of trocars mim- ics that of EERPE in human even though only a transperitoneal prostatectomy is possible in pigs Modular Training in EERP Fig.

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NO is produced when stimulation of the NMDA receptor leads to calcium influx that activates nitric oxide synthase. Because of this complexity, feature selection procedures have been developed, the simplest of which is the forward stepwise selection tech- nique [19]. The autonomous contractions in patients with parasympathetic decentralization are probably mediated by -AR mediated bladder activity, since they can be inhibited by -AR antagonists [180]. 0) 10. Finally, 1994; 1 4 423-430.

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