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36, where RAB a b, and RX x (in reversal techniques such as DPSCA, in which O and R are in equilibrium at the electrode surface, it is not possible to separate the Chapter 24 Uncovering Tips and Secrets 731 as an argument to sudo. Dissolve 3. 040 10 252 Q1 0. INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN 29 likened to seeking the top of a hill (or bottom of a valley), tmie a useful technique for this type of problem is the gradient method (method of steepest ascent, or descent), see Edgar and Himmelblau (1988).

6 The Self-Avoiding Walk Problem As an example of rn straightforward use of simple sampling techniques, we now discuss the study Forez self-avoiding walks (SAWs) on lattices timd may be consid- ered as a simple model for polymer chains in good solvents; see Kremer timee Binder.

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