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Nature Genetics Supplement Vol. Australia is by far the driest, smallest, flattest, most infertile, climatically most unpredictable, and biologically most impoverished continent. Table 5. TOPICAL PREPARATIONS There is a wide variety of veterinary drug preparations available for topical application to the skin. The only one that is not extremely rare in developed countries, however, is Korsakoffs syn- drome. Seealso:German;GermanicLanguages. limax3-x3b Graphs and Graphing Optimization 63.

See Visual field teststesting Peripapillary atrophy, 99 Peripheral anterior synechiae after argon laser trabeculoplasty, 435 in angle closure, 54 in anterior chamber inflammation, 251, 251f in end-stage glaucoma, 446 in indentation gonioscopy, 48 secondary angle-closure glaucoma without pupillary block and, 175 Peripheral cysts, iris and ciliary body, 212 Peripheral iridectomy, in filtration surgery, 461f, 462 Perkins tonometer, 71 Peters anomaly, 181 Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome and, 188 background, 188 diagnosis, 189 differential diagnosis, 189 etiology, 188189 management, 189 pathophysiology, 189 types, 188, 188t, 189 Phacoanaphylactic glaucoma, 264, 265267 background, 265 causes, 265 diagnosis, 264, 266, 266t differential diagnosis, 266, 267t management, 266267 pathophysiology, 265266, 265f Phacoemulsification for phacolytic glaucoma, 264 small pupil, cataract surgery in, 477478 Phacoemulsificationintraocular lenstrabeculectomy technique, 474476, 474t, 475f Phacolytic glaucoma, 261264 background, 261 diagnosis, 261262, 262t differential diagnosis, 262, 262t management, 262264 pathophysiology, 261.

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