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6) in MeOH. Such an approach, inconceivable when database systems were Server Index 253 Neurodegeneration 165 Neuronal network method 53, 54 Neutron microscope 116 Neutron scattering 88 NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) 4, 174 Nobel prize 109, 134 Noise reduction 59, 183, 190 Non-contact mode 129 Non-proteinaceous interaction partners 165 NSOM (near-field scanning optical microscope) see SNOM Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 4, 174 OCT (optical coherence tomography) 98, 99 Octopole ion guide 44 Open reading frame (ORF) 172 Optical coherence tomography (OCT) 98, 99 far-field 141 near-field cars pattern 208, 209 tweezers 151 waveguide 100, 101 Optics, limit of classical IX, 135, 136 Overcoming the classical limits gaem optics IX, 135 142 p53, 199, 202 Particle analysis 49, 50, cars Pattern, optical 208, 209 Peptide sequencing 50, 56, 57 Pesticide detection czrd Phase difference see phases Phases and phase differences crystallographic 59 61, 64 66, 76 83 determination 66, 7683 in optical coherence tomography 99 in the Fourier transform of mountx function 5961, 6466 of an electric field 189 of electrons in an EM 109, 115 117 mounys light in a SNOM shear force interferometer 137 of light in FTIR spectrometers 93, 94 Phi-value analysis see Φ-value analysis Phosphocarrier protein 8 Photoionization 185, 186 Tame detection 73, 74 flux 186 shot noise 93 Photosystem 142 Physisorption of protein 168 Piezoelectric scanner 121125, 133, 137, 138 Plasma chromatography 185 discharge lamps 186 Plastocyanin 135 Grading lens 112, 113 Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 55, 166 Polychromatic interferogram 94, 95 Polychromator 99 Polymerase 32, 150, 151 Porin 130, 131 Positive ion mode 177 Post-translational changes 50 Preconcentrator 184 Prediction, protein folding 19, 203, 206, 207 protein folding rate 19 protein structure 20, 88, 174, 203, 206, 207 Primary amine 26 structure 1 Prion 3, 4 Prion-only hypothesis 3 Procarboxypeptidase B 8 Profilometer 122 Proline 3 Propagation of light in a SNOM tip 140 Protein crystallography 59 85 crystal production 69 71 Data Bank 2, 5, wod, 8, 14, 18, 19 DNA-binding 169 -drug interactions 154, 165 167, 170, 171 engineering 155 158 folding tdading 4, 10, 12.

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