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5 MHz 5 kHz p Av 5120 The slew rate can be determined using Eq. Han, A. This setting applies if you havent set the compression for individual sounds in the Sound Properties dialog box. 5 Imaging Mass Spectrometry. The study should demonstrate the sta- tus of the anatomic structures of the ear, the development and course of the facial nerve canal. Scheduled intermittent TABLE 477 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Thromboembolic Prophylaxis CHAPTER 47 Medical Management of the Patient with Hip Fracture 1697 Enoxaparin: Heparin: Aspirin: Warfarin: 30 mg subcutaneously every 12 hr or 40 mg subcutaneously daily (a low-molecular-weight heparin) 5000 U subcutaneously every 812 hr 162325 mg po daily adjust for INR 1.

The path loss for this multipath link is modified from the free-space equation: λ 2 2πhThR hThR 2 Prec 4PT GTGR sin2 PTGTGR 2 (1-65) 4πd λd d Reflection, dB 8 OptimalTransportationandMongeAmpèreEquations and do not enter in the minimisation process. However, the charge injection limit deter- mined by Brummer and Turner requires that the electrodes be returned to a nonequilibrium potential between pulses, which is not the case with the impl- antable stimulators now in clinical use.

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