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233. 5 Where to Go from Here. 5 1 0. 3 Discontinuous inchworm-like movement of RNA polymerase during transcription elongation. crassa, 772 on paraffin-embedded samples, immunohistochemistry of, 146, 148 Mitochondrial protein synthesis in organello, 580583 wwe aminoacylation, 582 in vivo, 575580 Mitochondrial proteomes analysis of, 8586 prediction of, 8687 Mitochondrial purity, and actin-binding activity, correlation between, 704705 Mitochondrial respiration O2 tension on NO-inhibition of, 411 regulation of, 396 Mitochondrial respiration rates, open-flow respirometry and, 412 Mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC), 201 succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity of, 213 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein, genes encoding, 475 Mitochondrial-targeting signals analysis and prediction of, 761762 bioinformatics tools for prediction of, 772774 experimental analysis of, 774776 construction of hybrid proteins for, 774 mutagenesis approach, 774775 peptide library scan for, 775 schematic setup of, 767 Mitochondrial TFP, 191 Mitochondrial thiol modification, 432, see also Protein thiols Mitochondrial transcription initiation, 472473 standard assays for, 473 in human cells, 474 in yeast, 474476 Mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam), 552 Mitochondrial transformants of Chlamydomonas, 538 identification of, 537538 transformation, experimental details of, 534536 of S.

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