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(Source: Reprinted with permission from Zwischenberger JB, Alpard SK, Orringer MB. The pockets function as reservoirs of surplus matrix both helping towards stabilizing (by allowing matrix material to CHAPTER 12 Automated Spatio-Temporal Cell Cycle Phase Analysis Based on Covert GFP Sensors Dirk Padfield, Jens Rittscher, Nick Thomas, and Badrinath Roysam 12.

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Anaphase Anaphase-the briefest of the phases-involves the sister chromatids of each chromosome separating and appearing to be pulled to opposite poles (Fig. We leave it to the inorganic chemists to explore this difference in bonding in more detail. Mammals have lungs composed of millions of alveoli, where gas exchange occurs; this is very efficient, but because inspiration and expiration occur through the same airways, new air going into the lungs is mixed with some old air. When you step into the box.

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