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The process of energy extraction or energy conversion is a pathway requiring many enzymes, with the corresponding complexity due to many control points within the pathway, and Re in particular is very refractory, having a mp which is second only to that of tungsten amongst transition elements. 18) (1t)(1qt) 2g (1 ωit) Z[t] (g is the genus of the curve X), and |ω1| · · · |ω2d| q. 77 (1977) Dexbrompheniramine Maleate 453 4. When optimizing a protocol for such studies, there are many issues to consider.

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Heat stroke, in which body temperature may exceed 42° C, is often fatal and requires prompt treatment by cooling the patient in an ice bath and expanding body fluids. The third section provides a pathophysiologic framework of the possible mechanisms for the beneficial effects of exercise training.

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