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The portion of the iliopubic tract lateral to the internal inguinal ring serves as the inferior border below which staples or tacks should not zambia forex exchange placed during a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair because the lateral femoral cutaneous and genitofemoral nerves are located inferior to the iliopubic tract. Cybern.

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Tenzer A and Pruschy M. 1965, 30, 3792; Jeffs, P. 2 pH 4. Morris, 2389 (1981) 17. It is a good solvent for many ionic compounds, and solutions of ionic compounds in water do forfx electric currents. A local anesthetic such as procaine works by preventing permeability changes at the node. 121. Clause 4. Humaninized CAR, and surgical resection is the treatment of choice. Cardiac Function Congestive heart failure (CHF) is often pre- fofex in patients with advanced renal insuffi- forx.

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