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As was common for scholars at the time, he was known to his contemporaries by many names, including Robert Retinensis, Robertus Ketenensis, de Ketene, Ostiensis, Astensis, Cata- 304 SCIENCE AND ITS TIMES VOLUME 2 3.

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It really depends on the lag. The essential oil content of sage plants reaches the maximum values in summer and the minimum in winter andor early spring (Manou 1990; Skoula 1992; Hanlidou 1996). This representation is inter- esting because the noise N ̃ z(t) can be viewed as having the real component in-phase with the received signal and the imaginary component in quadrature with the received signal.

Whether all the neuronal glutamate taken up by glia is vesicular in origin is not known; reversal of glutamate transporters (see below) or exchange of intracellular glutamate for extracellular cys- tine may both be important mechanisms by which gluta- mate can leave neurons [5]. The adverse effect of Hcy on the vasculature may in- clude the accumulation of the endogenous nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) [24].

Although not as strong as IL-1α mRNA, steady state IL-1β mRNA was identified and may stimulate smooth muscle cell proliferation in a paracrine fashion. 7 (a) Primary Secondary 48V DC DCDC converter DCDC converter Power Factor 0. A glossary of pump terms and terms relating primarily to centrifugal pumps are defined in the Glossary at the end of this chapter.

PL are insoluble amphophiles with a hydrophilic, often zwitterionic, head group, and hydrophobic tails composed of two longer-chain FA. John A. Risking being called a cynic, I believe that most of these dream interpretations ultimately benefited the temple in one way or another; many of the cures involved making offerings or building shrines at the temple.

The origin of the cruciates (ACL and PCL) is not on the same line as the origins of the collaterals, i. -_JgJx_. Engl. has been the exclusive domain of fully automated meshing techniques that make use of digitized images (figure 15. A ureter opening abnormally is usually an additional one. Click Path in the System Variables pane. Even for a class that uses a particular implementation, for example by arrays as here, we will be able to inherit from the implementation class ARRAY rather than use it as a client (although some object- oriented developers will still prefer the client approach).

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