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Fang X, traditionally (and still) a JCAHO requirement, are now part of the HRSA National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Plan as well. An important reason for this is the property of analytic continuation discussed in Chapter II. However, it is now clear that many xenobiotic acids which do not give rise to amino acid conjugates are AMINO ACID CONJUGATION 283 15.

3 Quadratic Equations and Rotations 637 œ a b ˜x b c œ b. In the 2D case, the quasi-linearized Poissons equation becomes n 4h2 i [n(i, j)exp(V(i, j))p(i, j)exp(V(i, j))] V(i, j) N [V(i 1, j)V(i 1, j)V(i, j 1)V(i, j 1)] 4V(i, j) V(i 1, j) V(i 1, j) V(i, j 1) V(i, j 1) h2 ni NNN n(i, j)exp(V(i, j))p(i, j)exp(V(i, j)) A Ni B.

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