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His repudia- tion of macroeconomics because centralized knowledge is necessa- rily less than the sum of dispersed knowledge is a case in point. See Botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) Chronic refractory joint pain BTX, 226 Clonazepam blepharospasm, 214215 MS, 13 Clostridium botulinum, 211 BTX production, 4 origin, 3 Coccydynia, 42 Coccygodynia, 42 Coccyx pain, 42 Cold therapy plantar fasciitis, 78 Corrugator muscle, 140f Corrugator supercilii muscle, 101102 Cosmetic applications, 137149 BTX-A adverse effects, 138 clinical applications, 139150 dilution and dosing, 137138 injection guidelines, 138139 Cranial dystonia segmental, 210 Cricothyroid muscle, 109 Crows feet, 145f, 147f BTX-A, 145147 Cystourethroscopy (CU), 171 D Dantrolene MS, 13 DAO.

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One proposal based on these and other find- ings is that exon-junction complexes interact with a deadenylase that rapidly removes the poly(A) tail from an as- sociated mRNA, leading to its rapid decapping and degra- dation by a 5 3 exonuclease (see Figure 12-29). Detection : spectrophotometer at 240 nm.

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