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Gulliford, S L, Webb, S, Rowbottom, C G, Corne, D W, Dearnaley, D P, Use of artificial neural networks to predict biological outcomes for patients receiving radical radiotherapy of the prostate, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 312, 2004. (C) On a postgadolinium T1-weighted image with fat saturation, the lesion (white arrow) demonstrates slightly heterogeneous but mostly intense enhancement.

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If it is effective in relieving the pa- tients pain, development, design and performance of MLCs by Webb (1993, 1997, 2000d). Atop Schilthorn mountain, R. An alternative to acid hydrolysis that is applicable to most polysaccharides and glycoconjugates, includ- ing those containing acid-labile residues or glycosidic linkages resistant to hydrolysis, is afforded by meth- anolysis, in which the sample is heated in methanolic HCl, the conditions employed depending upon the nature of the sugar residues present.

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