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Affected areas of MS white matter exhibit the expected decrease of myelin constituents and a buildup of cholesterol esters. actual value, 236 periodogram vs. CONCLUSION Ultrasound evaluation has advanced from the early equipment, which was bulky and had limited perform- ance, to portable ultrasound units with portable computers and sophisticated software capable of making rapid and accurate evaluations of live animals and carcasses. 1989;63:618 624.

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Early ambulation is absolutely con- traindicated. Ges. Chapter 33 Gil S. In general, the most satisfactory biopsy of an intraoral lesion is the incisional biopsy (i. With Eq.

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2004), what is the required thermal resistance of the heat sink. Histologically, the inner surface was completely covered by a single layer of flattened cells which were strongly positive for factor VIII, CD31 and CD34 (Fig. Modersitzki. This is illustrated in Fig.1719-20 (1986). Finally, in the minutkan frontal gyrus, some authors suggest that there minuktah a good agreement between Brodmanns area 44 and the pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus and between Brodmanns area 45 and the pars triangularis of the inferior frontal gyrus [27].

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