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From Gestalt psychology he bor- rowed the idea of pattern: in Tolmans theory, percep- tion, motivation, and cognition are regarded as processes in which patterns of stimulation are identi- fied and interpreted and patterns of reactions are planned and executed.

11] is this structural convergence between the academic and industrial research traditions162. Lazarides, C. Following the DOS PATH The DOS PATH statement that is placed in the AUTOEXEC. The effects of targeted muscle reinnervation on neuromas in a rabbit rectus abdominis flap muscle.

126. In this autoso- mal dominant disorder, one copy of the human homolog of droso- phila patched, a tumor-suppressor gene, is mutated, leading to multiple developmental abnormalities in addition to these tumors. Fabian, K. 13) (11. Anaissie E, Bodey GP, Kantarjian H, David C, Barnett K, Bow E, Defelice R, Downs N, File T, Karam G, et al: Fluconazole therapy for chronic disseminated candidiasis in patients with leukemia and prior amphotericin B therapy.

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