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Oral contraceptives have been implicated as a cause of hepatic vein thrombosis. McLaren BR, Haenel T, Stevenson S, Mukherjee S, BW, Lake RA. The generalization stages and the evolution of the member- ship values of the elements in the domain are shown in Fig. _ The electron's mass and charge unalter- ably remain finite. The noise is typically called a common-mode signal. In 1961 [3].

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Œ-fi¤ ÈÛÔÓ Õ ́°°±­a ̈ ̧a ¥±øo ·2 ̈ ̧a 12·Æ12 ́· ̈ ±o ·1Ú ÈÛÍ ̧ø­ ø2 ·2 ̈aÆ2ø¥ ̈ø212a ±o Ôð Ù ø2o ̈ ̧a 3aø­ ́Æao 12 ́ÆÆa2 ̈ ·­ ̈ ̧Ʊ ́1 ̧ · ̈ ·­ Í fl Æ3­Ú. 14: of windowing on the discrete Fourier transform: a original image; b DFT of a without using a window function; c image multiplied with a cosine window; d DFT of c using a cosine window.

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