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If we consider the nucleus to be analogous to a spinning bar magnet, classical mechanics tells us that such a system placed in a magnetic field will precess about the direction of the external field with the so called Larmor frequency given by The large numbers of nuclei in a typical experimental sample will all precess about (Figure 8. Two views of each breast are obtained: the mediolateral oblique (MLO) and the craniocaudal (CC). No lysing of the red blood cells or washing steps to separate the tagged blood cells from unbound dye were used.

Such objects only seem bizarre, no doubt because we unreflectingly tend to assimilate them to material objects, to suppose that the for- mer are objects in the same sense of the word that the latter are. This process is just the reverse of the process by which the atom or molecule first became excited. This approach is used by most web portals (see Figure 2-7). Pioneers:who are not afraid topps trading card prices show the way and to be at the forefront when one of a kind opportunities show up.

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